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  • Fuzzy Search Keybindings in LazyVim

Fuzzy Search Keybindings in LazyVim

TIL: LazyVim's Hidden Gem - space + s + k for Searchable Keybindings

Today I stumbled upon a game-changing feature in LazyVim that I can't believe I've been living without. I discovered it while randomly browsing the web.

What is LazyVim?

For those unfamiliar, LazyVim is a Neovim configuration framework that aims to provide a fast, feature-rich editing experience right out of the box. It's built on top of Lazy.nvim, a modern plugin manager for Neovim.

The Discovery

Here's the exciting part: I just found out that pressing <space> + s + k in LazyVim brings up a searchable list of keybindings. You read that right: a searchable list of ALL available keybindings!

Why This Matters

As any Vim user knows, keybindings are the bread and butter of efficient text editing. But with great power comes great... memorization challenges. LazyVim, like many Vim distributions, comes packed with many keybindings. While this is fantastic for productivity, it can be overwhelming to remember them all.

This searchable keybinding list solves that problem elegantly. No more fumbling through documentation or frantically Googling "how to do X in LazyVim" mid-coding session.

How It Works

  1. Open LazyVim

  2. Press <space> to activate the command palette

  3. Press s for search

  4. Press k for keybindings

  5. Type to search for specific commands or actions

The search is fuzzy, so you don't need to remember exact command names. Just type a few characters, and LazyVim will show you relevant keybindings.

In addition, just pressing <space> also provides you with a handy menu.

Have you found any hidden gems in your text editor recently? I'd love to hear about them. Happy coding!