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  • 🐝 Hive Five 80 – Most common smart contract vulnerabilities, practical deep learning course, and ProjectDiscovery’s Best Kept Secrets

🐝 Hive Five 80 – Most common smart contract vulnerabilities, practical deep learning course, and ProjectDiscovery’s Best Kept Secrets

Hi friends,

Greetings from the hive!

I hope you had a good weekend.

We watched a movie called The Innocents (original title: Les innocentes). I share the same sentiment as this critics consensus: "The Innocents isn't always easy to watch, but its nuanced exploration of complex themes -- and its refreshing perspective -- are well worth the effort."

What did you do this weekend?

Let's take this week by swarm!

🐝 The Bee's Knees

  1. Most common smart contract vulnerabilities by Adrian Hetman: Many of the examples will be well known to people familiar with the web3 security. What makes this interesting, is how common these vulnerabilities are even after many hacks involving them.

  2. Practical Deep Learning: This free course is designed for people (and bunnies!) with some coding experience who want to learn how to apply deep learning and machine learning to practical problems. Deep learning can do all kinds of amazing things.

  3. The Same Origin Policy - Hacker History: In 1995 Netscape invented JavaScript (LiveScript) and it marked the start of client-side web security issues. In this video we explore this history and learn about the same origin policy (SOP).

  4. WordPress Transposh - Exploiting a Blind SQL Injection via XSS: Here’s the story about how you could chain three of these CVEs to go from unauthenticated visitor to admin. This effectively means that an attacker could already influence the (translated) content on a WordPress site, which is shown to all visitors.

  5. ProjectDiscovery's Best Kept Secrets: For those unaware, ProjectDiscovery is a group of talented hackers and creators that have massively disrupted the offensive tooling industry by creating tooling that genuinely makes the lives of hackers easier.

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🔥 Buzzworthy

✅ Changelog

  1. Waymore v1.3: You can now pass input using STDIN, and pass links output to STDOUT.

  2. unfurl v0.4.3: Pull out bits of URLs provided on stdin.

  3. xnLinkFinder v1.3: It now also gets potential parameters. Fixed an issue with v1.2 that stopped it getting output for Burp and Zap files.

  4. Burp Suite 2022.7.1: You can now configure tab-specific options for Repeater and automatically detect client-side prototype pollution sources using Burp Scanner.

  5. gau v2.1.2: Fetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl.

📅 Events

  1. DEF CON 30 is almost upon us:

    1. EFF Poker Tournament at DEF CON 30: Security expert Tarah Wheeler will host EFF's first charity poker tournament at Bally's Poker Room on Friday, August 12.

    2. Sick.Codes talk Demos, Exploits & Tools: 17:00 Saturday August 13th 2022 ETA: 5PM Track 1 Saturday.

    3. Who will be there? Yassine Aboukir, Katie Paxton-Fear, and many more.

  2. Security BSides Ahmedabad announcements:

    1. spaceraccoon will be their closing keynote speaker.

    2. Yassine: will be their second on-site Keynote Speaker.

🎉 Celebrate

💰 Career Corner

⚡️ From the Community

  1. PSA - Ryan Dewhurst is no longer at automattic: Thus also no longer has anything to do with WPScan.

  2. What part of MCH2022's NOC looked like: 37 datenklos, 78 access switches, 112 access points, 41 OADM muxes, 5.7km of single-mode fiber, 1km of copper cat5e, 200Gbit/s of uplink, 450Gbit/s external capacity.

  3. What awesome ladies are going to Defcon?: Cyber Kitten wants to know!

  4. dawgyg, zseano, and Jon B are having fun at H1702.

  5. zseano wants a Burp Lite: "Just target, repeater and intruder. nothing else at all, just those."

📰 Articles & Threads

  1. 1001 ways to PWN prod - A tale of 60 RCE in 60 minutes: This article is the transcript of a talk (FR) Laluka gave for during the HitchHack in May 2022.

  2. Guide to Picking an Attack Surface Management Solution: Attack Surface Management (ASM) a.k.a External Attack Surface Management (EASM) is a fast-growing trend in cybersecurity, and with good reason. The trend is born out of necessity.

  3. Tag Blending Obfuscation In Property-Based Payloads: Property-based payloads are payloads based on some particular properties of the document object and the elements.

  4. How bxmbn tests for Web Cache vulnerabilities + tips and tricks.

📚 Resources

  1. A look inside a day with zseano: "I get up around 9am and spend time with Seb til 1pm, then I work 1pm - 5pm. Eat tea and chill with Seb til 630pm, then bed time. Then 7-9pm is me and Abi time, then 9pm-2am work. I don't work in the day on weekends, only 10pm - 2am each night"

  2. Why people started hacking via hakluke: Using 3 words or less.

  3. A list of Shodan Filters.

  4. OAuth 2.0 Security Cheat Sheet: OAuth 2.0 is a standard that enables users to give websites access to their data/services at other websites.

  5. 8 InfoSec books worth reading via Alex Plaskett.

🎥 Videos

  1. Ippsec taking on HackTheBox - Catch.

  2. Solution of PhrazeBoard Red: A team of 6 ( @i_v_a_k_i @jtobcat @omaru53684882 @0xteknogeek @bbuerhaus and @silver_anth ) solved PhrazeBoard RED & won the 7.77 ETH Grand Prize!

  3. Attack Surface Management Series - EP1 - Certificate Transparency (In under 10 mins).

  4. The Pivot | Julie Jones - How To Become A World-Class Investigator: After working as a police detective, undercover operator, and behavioral and geographic profiler for 10 years, Julie Jones enters the intelligence unit and develops her passion for technology by using the internet to investigate crimes.

  5. You're Just Not My Type(state): It would be easier to build secure software if you couldn’t write the vulnerabilities in the first place. At least, that’s the idea with typestates - an approach to making dangerous code inexpressible.

🎵 Audio

  1. Breadcrumbs - Episode 20. - Getting What You Pay For: Paid Search Services with Roelof Temmingh: Paying an organization to provide you with intelligence you either don't have access to or don't have the time to collect can expedite an investigation. But how does it work? Where does the intelligence come from? How do these businesses work?

  2. Smashing Security #284 - The Most Wanted Missing CryptoQueen: In this special edition of the "Smashing Security" podcast, computer security veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault welcome back author and journalist Jamie Bartlett - host of "The Missing CryptoQueen" podcast.

  3. The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show #271 - OSINT Tool Updates II: This week they provide another substantial list of updates to the new OSINT tools, explain all usage, and offer numerous housekeeping changes. Yes, it is another OSINT episode.

  4. My First Million Pieter Levels - Making $2.7M A Year With No Employees: A solopreneur who makes nearly $3M a year with no employees while living a nomadic lifestyle.

Get $100 to try DigitalOcean - The go-to VPS for bug bounty hunters. I use it for all of my own recon and automation needs, plus it also doubles as a VPN. They have every cloud resource you need at an affordable price.

🧰 Tools

  1. Algorithm Visualizer: An interactive online platform that visualizes algorithms from code. Learning an algorithm gets much easier with visualizing it.

  2. licensor: Write a license to standard output given its SPDX ID. A name for the copyright holder can optionally be provided for licenses where it is included.

  3. tuc: When cut doesn't cut it.

  4. Scanners Box: A powerful and open-source toolkit for hackers and security automation.

  5. mgwls: Combines all single words from two wordlist files and concatenates them with each other, with optional delimiter.

💡 Tips

  1. Never pass up an opportunity to watch someone do/configure something: via sysengineer.

  2. Discord has sed support: The syntax is s//, with no trailing slash.

  3. shubs on not relying on white box testing.

  4. Awesome hackers to follow via renniepak.

  5. What I Got Wrong About Mentorship by Simon Sinek: Mentorship is like friendship: it evolves over time, and it's a two-way street.

🍯 Accounts to follow

Awesome accounts to follow. Randomly selected from my curated Twitter lists.

  1. victoriadotdev: Victoria.dev | Skills for Tech Leaders | Software engineering leadership | Cybersecurity, core @owasp_wstg.

  2. infosec_au: shubs | Co-founder, security researcher. Building an attack surface management platform, @assetnote.

  3. FredKSchott: fred | @astrodotbuild co-creator • CEO of The Astro Company.

  4. r0bre: r0bre | security research @neodyme | ctf @allesctf | lowlevel, rust, pwn, re, vim, shitposts, crypto.

  5. JoakimTauren:Joakim Tauren | Head of Security Testing @visma. Speaker, hacking enthusiast.

🚀 Productivity

  1. How thinking happens - Triangulation: Triangulation is using two known points to find a third point. Every version of sense making we do—every moment of every day—involves us triangulating information.

  2. Spotify TUI: Spotify for the terminal written in Rust.

  3. Capture the big picture with Maks Kuchur, founder of xTiles: Maks Kuchur is the founder of xTiles, a visual tool to organize information with card-based pages.

  4. Find out what music people are working to.

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