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  • Social Media Tip: Automate Your iPhone's Volume Control

Social Media Tip: Automate Your iPhone's Volume Control

Enter Shortcuts, the unsung hero of iPhone productivity. With a few taps, you can create an automation that automatically lowers your volume when you open specific apps.

Today, I'm going to share a quick automation trick that will save your eardrums and maybe even your sanity.

The Problem: Unexpected Audio Assault

We've all been there. You open TikTok or Instagram in a quiet room, and suddenly, a video blasts at full volume. Your heart races, you fumble to lower the volume, and you're left feeling startled and slightly embarrassed.

The Solution: Shortcuts Automation

Enter Shortcuts, the unsung hero of iPhone productivity. With a few taps, you can create an automation that automatically lowers your volume when you open specific apps. Here's how:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone.

  2. Navigate to the "Automation" tab.

  3. Tap the "+" in the top right corner.

  4. Choose "Create Personal Automation".

  5. Scroll down and select "App".

  6. Tap "Choose" and select "TikTok" (and any other apps you want).

  7. Ensure "Is Opened" is selected, then tap "Next".

  8. Tap "Add Action".

  9. Search for "Set Volume" and select it.

  10. Adjust the volume slider to your desired level.

  11. Tap "Next".

  12. Review your automation. Pro tip: Turn off "Ask Before Running" for a seamless experience.

  13. Tap "Done" to save.

Voilà! You've just created a personal sound engineer for your social media apps.

Unexpected Benefits

  1. Mindful Usage: The slight pause as your volume adjusts serves as a micro-moment of awareness. Use this as a cue to ask yourself, "Do I really want to be on this app right now?"

  2. Battery Savings: Lower volume often means less power consumption. It's a small win, but every bit counts in the quest for all-day battery life.

  3. Social Courtesy: Never be that person blasting TikTok sounds in public again. Your fellow commuters will thank you.

What aspects of your digital life are you already automating? Let me know!